I will italicize goals I have started. Once they are completed, I will highlight them.
2. Receive my endowments
3. Index 1001 family history names (0/1001)
4. Read the Holy Temple
5. Do t for an entire year (0/52)
6. Read scriptures and pray daily (2/1001)
7. Go to 10 temples I haven't been to. (0/10)
8. Give an anonymous little giftie or service at least once a month (0/33)
9. Say hi to someone I haven't talked to before at church, weekly (0/143)
10. Lose 113 pounds (0/113)
11. Only eat naturally occurring sugars (think fruit, agave, etc) for 6 months. (0/6)
12. Be able to wear THOSE boots.
13. Jog 1 mile straight.
14. Do a half marathon.
15. Exercise every day for 2 months (0/60)
16. Do the Couch to 5K program
Horticulturally Speaking:
17. Grow a vanilla orchid
18. Start a teaching garden
19. Organize a tree planting event on Arbor Day
20. Climb a tree
21. Make a topiary
22. Start a bonsai
Writing Goals:
23. Have 1 million pvs monthly
24. Write a gardening book
25. Get published in a National magazine
26. Be in the top 300
27. Blog every day for a month or more on TS (0/30)
28. Pay off the credit cards
29. Save $5000 in ING
30. Increase my credit score by at least 10 points
31. Get into 4 digits on student loan
Travel and languages:
32. Visit Italy
33. Visit Vancouver BC
34. Live in a foreign country for at least a month
35. Search for the Loch Ness Monster
36. Learn basics (numbers, etc) in 10 languages (0/10)
37. Go to the East Coast
38. Visit 5 National parks (0/5)
39. Watch one movie in Spanish once per month without subtitles, even if it is dubbed and not originally in Spanish (0/33)
40. Eat at the Melting Pot
41. Make my own sushi
42. Take a cooking class
43. Try 10 new fruits (0/10)
More Listies All About Me:
44. Identify 100 Things I Like About Myself
45. Identify 100 Things I’m Good At
46. Identify 100 things That Make Me Happy
47. Identify 100 Things I Have To Offer To A Partner
48. Identify 100 Things To Do When I’m Depressed
49. Identify 100 Ways I Can Make Money
50. Identify 100 Ways To Improve My Life
Outdoorsy Fun:
51. Go fishing
52. Camp under the stars
53. Do a 10 mile hike
54. Visit a cave
55. Plant native wildflowers
56. Visit tidepools
57. Dance in the rain
58. Make a snow angel
59. Do 5 of my cross stitch kits (0/5)
60. Crochet a scarf
61. Tat 20 sections for my tablecloth (0/20)
62. Make glass magnets
63. Etch a mirror
Randomness (also known as tired and don't want to put these in categories :) :
64. Convince, at least, 3 other people to make a 101 in 1,001 list
65. Get engaged
66. Read 101 books (0/101)
67. Kiss a man
68. See U2 in concert
69. Try 20 new cheeses (0/20)
70. Remember to use reusable grocery totes every time
71. Go to bed by 12:30 nightly for a month (2/30) and then continue on
72. Buy and wear a little black dress
73. Finish at least one 700- to 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle
74. Learn to tie a tie
75. Write to Heidi
76. Go to a hockey game
77. Buy something from 5-7-9
78. Go to Hawaii
79. Re-certify in CPR
80. Pay for the persons order that is behind me in a drive thru
81. Become a member of Mensa
82. Take a cake decorating class
83. Get in a snowball fight
84. Take a canoe trip
85. Get Lasik
86. Do some geocaching
87. Get a Wii
88. Learn to drive stick
89. Contact a different friend every week to see how they are doing (0/143)
90. Buy The Joy of Cooking
91. Go on a date at least once a month (0/33)
92. Go ice skating
93. Get rid of 100 things I no longer need/use/want (100/100)
94. Grow my hair long again and then cut it all off for charity
95. Learn how to french braid hair
96. Cook 10 new dishes (0/10)
97. Send 10 cards in the mail "just because" (1/10)
98. Don't say anything negative for one week. (0/7)
99. Wear at least one type of makeup daily for a month (0/30)
100. Make a new 101 things in 1001 days list
101. That one thing
Woo-hoo. Good for you. I want to help you achieve some of these goals. -Kristin
P.S. Girl time.
That looks like an exciting list. I wish I were in town to get in on some of the goal achieving action! I will have to make a list of my own. Thanks for the insiration.
Wow, That's quite a list!
So cool! I know you can do it!